“Profile and Contour are the touchstone of Architect” while I was selecting a reading to write an analysis this is what grabbed my attention as this is all about a creative mind as the author states “Profile and Contour are free of all constraints”. I kind of agree with statement because the use materials to construct things and how different types of materials have different contours and thought behind it. The article also talks about how architecture is not about all the mathematical creations whereas it’s all about the artistic touch a person can give.
There is always a variation in every aspect of life or creation. The author relates this to how human facial features have personal values to it having general proportion to each element which he states as “we feel harmonious”. He also talks about how the unique proportionality of everyone’s face makes them handsome yet the basics being the same.
According to this writing there is a great relationship between architecture being plastic which the author means as by being measured relating it to construction and how research into construction is an important aspect of it.

The author also tries to make a comparison between Parthenon and Madeleine through axis and the primary elements including steps, columns, and pediments relating it to laws of physics and comparison of axis.
“A work of art must have its own special character”.
To create something different there should always stand an objective and an aim to produce unity of intention.
“Clear statement is essential in work of art” stating the fact that not everything created in architecture is supposed to be useful or what the author calls as utilitarian. He also expresses his thoughts on how architecture only comes with a poetic feeling and that it is allowed to give character to art in music, architecture and painting but how this gives a negative aspect to the utilitarian thought behind the whole procedure.
Doric Architecture was mainly inspired by a tree without a base proving the fact that every art is derived from the nature, and it also came from the smoothed surfaces. Deliciated distortions and contours were also applied İn law of optics.
The last section of the article shows Architecture as being plastic and gives an example of the plastic creation of Doric architecture.

The temples that were created based on columns, harmony and geometry. Parthenon was a development of profile and contour keeping the masses and volume of light in mind with the plastic architectural plastic system of Greeks it was names as the “pure creation in mind”.
To sum it up, art is the sense of emotion, and it also recognizes axial principle.
I would like to talk about how the authors argument regarding architecture being plastic inspired me to research into it and how Greeks built temples with having an only single thought behind it, influenced by nature. The author also summed his argument up by stating that how we are losing the utilitarian purpose of construction by creating things through emotions.